Stan & Lana - Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd & GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

Stan & Lana – Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd & GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

Dear Friends and Partners,

We sincerely thank you for your unwavering support of our mission! We deeply appreciate you and continually thank the Lord for you. We pray for you, that each day the Spirit of God’s love may fill your heart even more!

We all know the parable of the prodigal son, recorded in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 15. The younger son demanded his share of the inheritance from his father, even though, according to the Law of Moses, he had no right to it while his father was still alive. Think about how insulting this must have been to the father! Essentially, the son wished for his father to die as soon as possible. After this, the son left home and squandered everything he had on sinful pleasures.

However, when he returned, the father not only welcomed him without a word of reproach but also celebrated his return as if he had always been a loving son who had simply gotten lost in a neighboring town and took some time to find his way back. Of course, this does not mean that the father condoned his son’s sinful lifestyle. The father loved him, not because the son deserved it, but so that the son could change.

Do you remember to whom Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son? These words were addressed to the Pharisees and scribes. Do you understand who these people were? Both religious groups strictly followed the Law of Moses, which stated that rebellious and unruly sons were to be stoned to death. You can read about this in Deuteronomy 21: 18–21 and Mark 7: 10.

Imagine if today we lived under the laws of the Old Testament. In such a case, in some families, children who behaved outrageously could be sentenced to death by their parents. I believe the parable of the prodigal son was a true revelation for the Pharisees and scribes because, for those who lived under the laws of the Old Testament, this was an unprecedented act of forgiveness.

In our time, some parents disown their children, saying, “You are no longer my son. You are no longer my daughter.” Perhaps some of you have heard such words directed at you. However, Jesus described a father who believed that sooner or later his wayward son would return home. He loved his son so much that he ran to meet him, not knowing the son’s intentions in coming back.

Let’s agree that the love Jesus described in the parable cannot be found on earth. However, this extraordinary love can be experienced by opening your heart to the Lord. No one can love you as much as God loves you. So do not seek such love in this world, but turn to our Heavenly Father, who is able to give His love to each of us.

Whoever truly loves will believe in the best and hope that even the most terrible person can change. The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13: 8 that “love never fails,” meaning that God’s love will last forever. Friends, we believe in a God who always believes in us, who always loves us, and who always desires good for us.

#FromHeartToHeart Stan & Lana
Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd
& GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

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