Stan & Lana - Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd & GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

Stan & Lana – Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd & GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

Dear Friends and Partners,

With all our hearts, we thank you for your constant support of our mission! We sincerely appreciate you and continually give thanks to the Lord for you. We pray that each day your heart may be filled with an even greater fullness of God’s love!

In John 8, a woman caught with a man who was not her husband was brought to Jesus. According to the Law of Moses, she was to be stoned to death. The experts in the Scriptures insisted on her immediate execution, leaving her with no chance of salvation.

The religious people of that time focused only on the strict regulations of the Mosaic Law, which, like a veil, concealed from them the true heart of God and His intentions for this woman. They mistakenly believed that a public execution would be the best way to please God in this situation. However, God has always desired to transform people from within, not just impose external rules for them to follow.

The apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 3:14 that only Jesus can remove the veil of the Old Covenant that covers people’s minds. In this story, Christ confronted the Old Testament understanding of God. Jesus revealed, from the perspective of the New Covenant, what truly resides in the heart of God the Father.

The woman trembled in fear, expecting death. She thought she had been brought before the throne of judgment, but she did not realize she had actually been brought to the Father’s house. Of course, this does not mean that Jesus condoned her sinful lifestyle. On the contrary, He showed her how deeply God loved her—not because she deserved it, but so that she could be changed. In this situation, Christ acted just as the father did in the parable of the prodigal son. Instead of judgment, Jesus showed mercy and granted her forgiveness.

And I will go even further. Christ was the only one who spoke words that filled this woman’s heart with faith and hope. She heard, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” The Lord not only forgave her but was confident that she could change and begin a new life free from sin.

Now, let me ask you: what happened when Christ told a paralyzed man, “Be healed!”? That’s right—the man began to walk. And what happened when Christ commanded a deaf and mute man, “Deafness and muteness, leave!”? Exactly—the man began to hear and speak. Now, think about what happened when Christ said to the woman, “Sin no more!” That’s right—she received forgiveness and freedom from sin.

Why did this happen? Because Christ came into this world not to condemn but to save. He wanted to reveal to us the heart of God the Father, who believes that His wayward sons and lost daughters will one day return home.

You may know people who, in your opinion, will never turn to God. Perhaps they live a life far from righteousness and show no interest in spiritual matters. But let me tell you—Jesus taught in the New Testament that God believes in every person and desires for everyone to return to His house.

And I will say even more. God is constantly working in the lives of these people, revealing His goodness and compassion to them (Luke 6:35). If you want to be a part of this divine work, you must follow Christ’s example. Speak words of faith and forgiveness when those around you need them most.

When Christ spoke to this woman, His words were filled with faith that she could change. Likewise, your kind words—filled with love, faith, and forgiveness—can touch people’s hearts and transform their lives. So do not be afraid to share the Good News of Christ. Remember, when you preach about Him, God works in His power and saves all who turn to Jesus in faith. For the Gospel is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).

#FromHeartToHeart Stan & Lana
Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd
& GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

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