Stan & Lana - Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd & GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

Stan & Lana – Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd & GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

Dear Friends and Partners,

Greetings from India! Thank you very much for your continued support! Together with you, we continue to bring the message of God’s love to those who have never heard of Christ. We thank the Lord for you and always pray for you.

When you begin to realize how deep God’s love is, you will have a great desire to accept this love and allow God’s Spirit to fill you with it. From a biblical perspective, love is not a philosophical idea or a lofty feeling. God is love (1 John 4:8, 12, 16).

When you turn to Christ with faith and accept God’s love, God Himself enters your life and fills you from within with His Spirit. God’s Spirit is God’s love. Therefore, if you have believed in Jesus, it means that you have accepted the Spirit of God’s love.

Tell me, what is the most terrible sin a person can commit from the perspective of the New Testament? God’s Spirit knocks on the heart of every person. But if a person refuses to accept God’s Spirit, which is filled with God’s love, then the person commits the gravest sin, which God cannot forgive (Matthew 12:31).

Why can’t God forgive this sin? Because if a person rejects the Spirit of God’s love, he also rejects the forgiveness of his sins. The essence of what Jesus teaches in the New Testament is very simple. You must open your heart and accept the Spirit of God’s love, which will completely transform your life and enable you to love others. This is what Jesus tried to explain to His disciples during the Last Supper (John 13:3).

Tell me, what did the disciples feel when Christ poured water into a basin, took a towel, and began to wash their feet? I have no doubt that each disciple felt awkward. They didn’t know how to properly react to such an act of humility from their Teacher and Lord.

Peter couldn’t stand it and voiced what everyone was thinking: “Lord, are you going to wash my feet? I will never let you do that!” Peter was a great guy and a good believer. But at that time, he couldn’t understand the essence of the New Covenant that Jesus was establishing. Peter knew that he had to do something for God. And from the perspective of the Old Testament, Peter was absolutely right. That’s why he said, “Lord, I should be washing Your feet!”

But Jesus wanted to change His disciples’ way of thinking. He wanted to explain to them that He was establishing a New Covenant, where the most important thing is that a person must accept God’s love and allow God to change his life. And after experiencing the action of the Spirit of God’s love, he would become capable of loving others (John 13:14).

Peter was an excellent Old Testament believer. He knew God’s commandments and tried to keep them. But when he met Christ, he encountered something that was difficult for him to understand. This is called the grace of the New Covenant. Now Peter didn’t have to do anything. He just had to sit quietly and let Jesus wash his feet. But for Peter, it turned out to be extremely difficult to simply accept God’s love without taking any action.

Jesus emphasized so strongly that Peter had to accept God’s love that He even warned Peter that if he refused, he would not be able to receive salvation, and it would lead to his destruction. Peter was so frightened that he immediately suggested that Jesus not only wash his feet but also his hands and head! What changed in Peter’s mind? He understood how dangerous it is to reject God’s grace and the Spirit of God’s love.

The Apostle John writes about it like this: “This is real love — not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (1 John 4:10). Jesus said about Himself that He came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).

The Apostle Paul preached to the Athenians that God needs nothing. So what can people do for God, or what can they give Him? God Himself gives life and breath to everything around. And He also meets any human needs (Acts 17:25). In the New Testament, God requires nothing from you except one thing. You must accept His love, which He revealed to us through our Lord Jesus Christ.

#FromHeartToHeart Stan & Lana
Founders & Senior Leaders of Jesus Unltd
& GodIsGoodTV Satellite Television Network

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